Welcome to BCUIM
The Black Country Urban Industrial Mission
BCUIM is a team of chaplains, from a number of Christian churches, offering support to businesses and their employees through regular visits to workplaces in the Black Country.
It's part of our role as we seek to connect the church with the economy of the area. In communities of rich diversity, we are there for people of all faiths and none.
The working world is continuously changing, but the Black Country still has a higher proportion of people employed in advanced manufacturing than any other area of the country. Much of the heavy industry of the past may have gone, but work has a vital place in the lives of the people of the area.
Drawing alongside people in their work expresses our faith that God is to be found in the creativity and the interactions of the workplace. Faith helps many people lead fulfilled and meaningful lives. That’s what guides us as we seek to contribute to the sustainability and development of the area. We see hope for the future, and encourage people to play their part in realising it.